Tuesday, March 2, 2010

cOraL can speak, meh?

sa hazbin going on and on about coral speaking. but which coral on earth, i mean-i mean, underwater, can speak? who does she think she is bluffin? her brains must have holes like some corals!!!

sigh...why can't peeple have brains like mine....

Monday, January 25, 2010

i'Ve been fRameD!

ze reason i haf bin missing in aksion is beecoz i've been framed!!! pa's laptop died...and he said it's coz all me friends -- ze worms -- went into it!! hey pa...me friends have better taste than to eat metal...they feed on organic stuff lah...they veli de healthy one. but like all parents, did pa listen? no.......he didn't. he banned me from using his lappy. FINE!

then today he finally relented. because i guess he finally realized i was telling ze truth...sigh!

well...school's started again. quite fun...mizzie biggie is still teaching me class...as dumb as ever. mary got buang from school becoz she talked too much. i shall be a good bee-girl tis year...and ace all my papers...like some kungfu movies!!

today a bit of drama at home. our new kakak -- her name is florida, no kidding...but florida from indonesia NOT united states. cheh and sa have been making fun of her name...anyway, i digress...mom calls her "ida". well...kakak's mulut bengkak and sakit. (see my bm getting ze bester now!!). she told mom tat when she pressed her mouth tis morning, got nana come out! yaks i shall from now on stay away from buah nona (custard apple). oh well..since mom's working, cheh took her to dr zaini. got herself some medicine. hope she gets better. her mouth not so swollen anymore.

ok...i better go zzzzzzzzz now. got ko-ko tomolo...tata, people.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

ma's gone 4 3 years now...

today (i mean oct 30) marks the 3rd anniversary of ma's homegoing. as usual, mom, cheh and sa went to visit ma at her condo in nilai. AND as usual i didn't get to go becozzz i had to go to school, and becozzz i had exams. why-why can't i skip ze stoooppeeed-meeleepeede pj and moral papers. after all i so good in them already -- i exercise all ze time, and i am such a morally upright person. why? why? i demand to know why!!! but would mom tell me why? no she will not. she said no. tat's it!!

oh well...they went (oh.. pa didnt go becozz he had tender to work on) and they got lost. wahahahahah....they got lost. but anyways...they managed to get to ma's place finally. and they bumped into koo-koo. good of him to go see ma. well...mom, cheh and sa (and yes, i asked sa to get some petals for me for ma as well) brought flowers for ma. one of them looks like a mop -- chrysanthenum mop. you know wat ma would say --- "ah chuah beh hor wa keh sai hua" (why buy me chicken shit flower!!!!!) farrrnnniii.... then mom used the keh sai hua as mop for ma's window -- got some silly insect nest on the window.

u know, 3 years is a long time and people say time heals. in a way yes, in a way no. i still miss ma very much. until today i still remember the final day she was with us. how peaceful and quiet she was after a couple of days in gross pain when she was moaning so loudly away. i wish i had been more patient with her then. i wish i had sat down longer with her. i wish i knew those were her final moments. i remember thinking that ma's systems were shutting down then but i didnt know it was really the final lap. she slept through her final day with us. i thot she was tired out by the pain. in a way, she was -- that was why god decided then that enough was enough, and it was time for her to return to him, healed and restored. i wish i had known. i really wish i had known. i am sorry, ma. i love you very much and i miss you..........

Friday, September 11, 2009

pLan faiLed... :-(

darn! (oops...i must not say tat word coz mom said it is a bad word but who cares, i'm so pissed...oops..another no-no word..sigh!)...oh well...u see today mom went to office which she seldom does these days, she works from home most days now. mary (ze black kay poh who lives opposite) ajak me to go ze buka puasa stalls at d'pangkin later in ze afternoon. well...i hesitated coz i know i am not supposed to go out but ah yah...i so tempted. i said oklah, i go then come back quick-quick, no one will know. but i guess as mom always says, no one will know but god knows! ah seh man...he really knows because ah, u know, he got mom to come home early. ah yoh...all our plans hapuzed...so sian like tat. so i decided to go sulk ze rest of ze afternoon...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

nO moRe grounded

hiiiiiiiie...pa has just lifted d ban...n i can now blog once more...yubbbbadabbadoooo! y i was banned -- well...d long n short of it (like mom's colleagues like 2 say -- they r reali duh folks, confused, indecisive...) was 'coz i went ronda-ing without their permission and couldn't find my way home for 5 days. scary man.... and all i got 2 eat was veg, veg and more veg. yaks! i will never do it again! think i worried d family, especially mom, sick. so, so glad i am home!

Friday, July 10, 2009

cHeh 1 stEp on heR TuTtuT jouRneY

if u want anything from cheh, today is the bestest day to ask her. she will do anything for u because she is soooooo happeee. thank God our house has high ceiling, otherwise she would have trampolined thru and then our roof will bocor..and then the sun will shine through, the rain will fall in, the bats will fly in, the rats will run in...how, how!! nevermind me...i digress.

u see today cheh got the offer from ManU...ah yoh, not the football clublah...pleaselah she can't even differentiate a ball from a rock, how can get offer offer from ManU...she so kaki-stool, so lembik one, blah-blah. ok-ok..i digress again.. now foKus.... the offer was for her to do egyptology via distance learning. ManU = Manchester University. hahaha...uncle tutty-frutti...here she comes...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

i MisS my tOk UruT

I feel so bluey (cantz u see...dz font is in blue, duh!!)...my tok urut (aka maid) has balik-ed to indonesia. sigh! am reali so sad...veli sad. she is dz one who would urut me in dz afternoons, when she has finished her chores...give me a goodz towel dry after my "swims"...boo-hoo boo-hoo. now nobodzi is doing my bodz urut for me no more. oh well...never mind...mom has applied for a new kakak but then mom said she might not come coz of some maid issues between dz governments. ah yoh...badz news! ok-ok...i must reeli write n spell properly, if not...fail englisz in school. how-how, how-how??. mom will definitely piak betul-betul my butt!!

OK..now i write in proper england...i mean english. cheh is having her holidays... an
d this is what she and i do, most afternoons...wa hahahahahah.. mom has given up on us...we are of no help but then we never said we were. wahahahahah!!!

enough for now...gotta go set table for dinner. take care, peeeple...