Friday, July 10, 2009

cHeh 1 stEp on heR TuTtuT jouRneY

if u want anything from cheh, today is the bestest day to ask her. she will do anything for u because she is soooooo happeee. thank God our house has high ceiling, otherwise she would have trampolined thru and then our roof will bocor..and then the sun will shine through, the rain will fall in, the bats will fly in, the rats will run, how!! nevermind me...i digress.

u see today cheh got the offer from ManU...ah yoh, not the football clublah...pleaselah she can't even differentiate a ball from a rock, how can get offer offer from ManU...she so kaki-stool, so lembik one, blah-blah. ok-ok..i digress again.. now foKus.... the offer was for her to do egyptology via distance learning. ManU = Manchester University. hahaha...uncle she comes...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

i MisS my tOk UruT

I feel so bluey (cantz u font is in blue, duh!!) tok urut (aka maid) has balik-ed to indonesia. sigh! am reali so sad...veli sad. she is dz one who would urut me in dz afternoons, when she has finished her chores...give me a goodz towel dry after my "swims" boo-hoo. now nobodzi is doing my bodz urut for me no more. oh well...never has applied for a new kakak but then mom said she might not come coz of some maid issues between dz governments. ah yoh...badz news! ok-ok...i must reeli write n spell properly, if englisz in school. how-how, how-how??. mom will definitely piak betul-betul my butt!! i write in proper england...i mean english. cheh is having her holidays... an
d this is what she and i do, most afternoons...wa hahahahahah.. mom has given up on us...we are of no help but then we never said we were. wahahahahah!!!

enough for now...gotta go set table for dinner. take care, peeeple...